Client Testimonials

Top Row: FINAL 2017/Bottom Row: INITIAL 2016

Here’s our next #teambullseyenutrition client, Kayla C.  Kayla is D.O. student at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine located in Lewisburg, WV.  Kayla is also doing some training within the U.S. Army – she is a Second Lieutenant.  Kayla has been able to put forth her nutrition goals while balancing life as a medical student, friend, daughter, sister, and Army personnel.  You can find Kayla studying her life away while hitting strong personal records within the CrossFit gym!  Kayla is one of the most disciplined individuals out there I know of – she strives to put in work 100% all the time!  Glad you’re on the team Kayla!  Find out for yourself what Kayla has to say about her 1-year journey of flexible dieting + reverse dieting phases!  Keep working hard Kayla!


  • Please provide a small description of your flexible dieting process and how you got started with your coach?  What triggered your initiation with flexible dieting?  “I started flexible dieting through a friend who used the program with Coach Amy and had great results.  I started this process because I usually eat very healthy, and I work out almost every day.  However, finding the right proportions of F/C/P was a challenge, and I was not sure where to start.  I wanted to get stronger in CrossFit lifts and improve my nutrition while enjoying treats every once in a while”.


  • What did you learn most about your time of flexible dieting with your coach?  “I learned that the process takes time, but you can really start to see improvements especially with pictures – even if the scale does not move a lot!  Throughout my 1-year with Coach Amy, I learned how to reverse diet – which was pretty awesome because I gained muscle without really gaining fat”!


  • What would you have wanted to learn more of when going through the flexible dieting process with your coach?  “I learned a lot, but maybe when I should be eating more macros than others like after a workout or night or such would be helpful.  I would’ve liked to learn more about timing of nutrients, like when the best time to eat carbs and such is”.


  • Please list and elaborate some positives and negatives about your time during flexible dieting with your coach.  “Mostly everything has been positive!  I have a great and supportive coach!  She always responds to my questions and always encourages me!  Low numbers were sometimes hard to stick with since I work out so much.  I was very hungry especially at night.  In all – no real negatives!  I enjoyed flexible dieting!  I got to eat all the yummy food as long as it fit my macros!  And re-feed days were awesome”.


  • Would you recommend your coach to someone else?  If so, why?  I would definitely recommend Coach Amy to someone else because I think the process is an awesome starting point for people!  She is a great coach and very supportive”.

Meet #teambullseyenutrition client, Jhezielle P.  Jhezielle probably has one of the most strongest legs out there and loves to lift heavy barbells!  Not only does she have several working jobs as a physical therapist assistant, but she recently got engaged this past winter 2016 to the man of her dreams —-> then input me to help her guide her through flexible dieting to reach those goals in 2018!  Jhezielle also enjoys making homemade soups/broths and her amazing dishes she posts on social media should literally get published!  Yum!  Here’s what Jhezielle has to say about joining #teambullseyenutrition!  Thanks for all that you do Jhezielle – keep up the good work in that garage gym of yours!

Top Row: 150.4# / Bottom Row: 147.1# (12-week FD)
  • Please provide a small description of your flexible dieting process and how you got started with your coach?  What triggered your initiation with flexible dieting?  “I started with trying flexible dieting on my own and it didn’t work out because I tried to go all extreme on my first attempt.  I knew Amy through CrossFit Pineville and she had some good results with it and so did other clients I saw on her website.  I wanted to try flexible dieting again because I wanted to finally figure out what worked for my body without making me feel deprived on one certain food or food group.”
  • What did you learn most about your time of flexible dieting with your coach?  “I learned to take things slow and slow progress means lasting results.”
  • What would you have wanted to learn more of when going through the flexible dieting process with your coach?  I wanted to learn more about how macros are absorbed by your body especially when it comes to working out.  There’s a general rule about carbs before working out and protein after.  I know the basics but I would be interested in the timing for certain macros over others.”
  • Please list and elaborate some positives and negatives about your time during flexible dieting with your coach.  The most positive thing was being able to taper down my fats more slowly.  I HATE chicken breasts and love dark meat and skin.  During my first round of flexible dieting by myself, it was really hard because I was following more of a paleo/keto diet.  However, Amy helped me understand that I can’t just drastically decrease my macros and tapering it off little by little helps.  The hardest part about flexible dieting was I found myself too full at times to hit macros even though I had tried to disperse them out properly throughout the day.”
  • Would you recommend your coach to someone else?  If so, why?  “Yes!  I think it’s important to learn about nutrition and how you need to apply it to how your own personal body that works for only you!”

Top Row: 180.2# / Bottom Row: 168.9#

This is Jennifer F.  Jennifer has been with me during her FD process for a long but successful six (6) months and she is still going strong through her reverse dieting (RD) phase with me now too!  She began her body weight (top row) at 180.2# and ended after 6 months of FD at 168.9# – with a net loss of 11.3#!  You can find Jennifer always posting on social media about her dogs, workout regime during work lunch hours, and training for half-marathons and other 5ks/10ks!  Jennifer always puts in the hard work, knowing that it will take her one step closer to her ultimate goal – becoming a better version of herself and showing others that if she can do it…so can they!  Jennifer will tell you how it is – there’s NO CUTTING CORNERS – from taking several family trips to Myrtle Beach to explaining to her family members that she means business when it came to her nutrition goals! She made it a priority and still does!  Keep training hard Jennifer and so glad you’re a part of #teambullseyenutrition!  See what Jennifer says about BullsEye Nutrition below!

  • Please provide a small description of your flexible dieting process and how you got started with your coach?  What triggered your initiation with flexible dieting?  “I have always struggled with my weight and body image.  I was a chubby kid, chubby adult.  I have never been athletic in any way.  I think I have tried basically every diet you could think of.  I’ve done Atkins, shakes, a different shake, fasting – you name it.  Everything worked for a little while and I would drop weight and promise myself I wouldn’t gain it back again but, I always did.  My friend, Jennifer, had a baby and needed to lose the baby weight and found BullsEye Nutrition and Coach Amy – so I decided I would try it.  I needed to find what my body needed!  And something I could maintain over the long haul.  Not a quick fix diet.”
  • What did you learn most about your time of flexible dieting with your coach?  “That no food is off limits!  I love Mexican food, I love rich food!  I love french fries!  And I get to eat them! I can go on vacation and have ice-cream from my favorite place!  I can have pizza when I visit NY.  I can eat real food!  It is so liberating to not have to give up what I love and still lose weight and build muscle.”
  • What would you have wanted to learn more of when going through the flexible dieting process with your coach?  “The one thing I have bugged Coach Amy about a lot was training.  I think it would be nice to combine what we have learned about food with workouts that can be done to expand on it.”
  • Please list and elaborate some positives and negatives about your time during flexible dieting with your coach.  “Positives:  I eat whatever I want.  I don’t have to live on “rabbit food” or shakes or supplements.  Of course, the major positive is weight loss/change in body composition.  I finally, for the first time in a long time, feel comfortable and happy with my body.  I can wear sleeveless shirts, dresses, skirts and clothes that I was never really comfortable in before!  I have abs!  And I have back muscles and even some arm muscles too!  All things I have never had!  I am running my 1st half marathon in 6 weeks!  And Coach Amy has been so encouraging through all the prep.”
  • Would you recommend your coach to someone else?  If so, why?  Yes and have!  Coach Amy is so patient and informative.  No question is off limits.  She will never make you feel stupid for asking anything!  I look forward to check ins each week!  She is so encouraging!  She has probably been my biggest cheerleader next to my friend, Jennifer, who got me started with her.  Week after week – ‘you can do this!  You will do this!  I am here for you’.  It is so nice to know we are in this process together and that she is invested in it with me and invested in me.”

Meet Jennifer S.  Jennifer began her FD journey with me in March 2016 and is still going strong till this day!  In fact, she will be beginning her reverse diet (RD) program with me in October 2016!  As you can see from her photos, consistency and accountability makes the BEST policy.  Jennifer went from a really bad, emotional mindset to developing this vision/version of herself succeeding at CrossFit, as a friend, and most importantly as a FIT MOM!  Jennifer has proven that if you make your health/diet a priority, ANYTHING can happen for the good while still making time for family, friends, and a busy work/mom life.  Check out Jennifer’s testimonial below!  Thanks for becoming part of #teambullseyenutrition Jennifer!  Can’t wait to reach those long-term goals even more!

  • Please provide a small description of your flexible dieting process and how you got started with your coach?  What triggered your initiation with flexible dieting?  “I had a baby back in September 2016 and mentally I could not get back on track with dieting.  I had done everything before my baby to lose weight and stay skinny. Weight watchers, Paleo, and then the Zone Diet, all of which worked for a time, before I started binge eating again.  All of these diets are so restricting and at some point I would fall off the wagon.  When I became pregnant I ate whatever I wanted and after it was hard to wrap my mind around being so strict again.  I was on Facebook one night and a friend of mine share an info session that BullsEye Nutrition would be doing called “flexible dieting”; I began researching what flexible dieting was and finally contacted Amy about it.  After she sent me the information on how to start, I took a week to decide…could I do this? Well 50lb later, I could and I did”!
  • What did you learn most about your time of flexible dieting with your coach?  How to eat and not use food as a comfort for when I was upset or stressed.  I’ve really been able to tell over the last few months when I was full.  Where before, I wouldn’t know that I was full until my belly ached from eating too much.  I’ve also learned that if I did have something I enjoyed or junk food how to eat my next meal to offset what I’ve had”.
L column: 211# / R column: 163#
  • What would you have wanted to learn more of when going through the flexible dieting process with your coach?  “I honestly don’t have anything to say here.  Maybe learning how to cut but I believe that would be a later thing to try after a break”.
  • Please list and elaborate some positives and negatives about your time during flexible dieting with your coach.  “Amy has been the best encouragement and support.  I love having someone to report into each week and Amy, not only provides feedback, but she also provides encouragement!  It goes a long way when you have someone who believes in you and that you can do this!  There were weeks where I was like “I cannot do this this week” for whatever reason and Amy would be right there saying, you can do this, hold out; trust the process.  The first few weeks I did flexible dieting, I was so strict on myself, I ate “clean”, I was loosing weight but also losing my mind, cause I wanted my sweets.  I have such a horrible sweet tooth and after emails and checkins with Amy and research I discovered, I can have my cake and eat it too, just not the whole cake!  I honestly believe that the flexible dieting process works because you’re still able to enjoy the things you like, just in moderation.  I seriously do not have any negatives about flexible dieting.  There are people who pick on me or make faces when I say I have to count out my pepperoni’s or I weigh my food, but with any diet, you watch what you’re eating.  There will always be people who have something negative to say about whatever it is you’re doing, but you have to keep pushing and TRUST THE PROCESS”!
  • Would you recommend your coach to someone else?  If so, why?  Yes!! Look how far I’ve come!  50lbs and 4 pant sizes!  Amy tells me all the time that I did the work, yes this is true, but I had the support and resources from her to do this.  She’s so down to earth and easy to connect with that I feel like you can’t not be successful on this program!  I literally brag to anyone who asks how I lost all the weight that I do flexible dieting and that I get to eat milk and cookies before bed every night and still lose weight”!

This is Courtney S.  Courtney completed 14 weeks with me and has shown significant progress with her FD journey!  Courtney is a full-time occupational therapist (own’s her pediatric practice), certified yoga instructor, and recently has been enjoying married life with her amazing husband, Steve!  Courtney started her baseline macro intake levels at 76F/163C/108P and after 14 weeks with BullsEye Nutrition ended her macro levels at 38F/126C/108P, displaying an overall net body fat loss of 13#!  I’m so proud to not only see Courtney succeed but to display her willingness to take on the FD challenge literally within her second week – going on vacation as well as consecutive weekends of plans for friends’ weddings and family outings.  See what Courtney has to say about her success with #teambullseyenutrition and what she learned throughout the process!  Thanks for joining the team Courtney!

L column 147.7# / R column 134.8#
  • Please provide a small description of your flexible dieting process and how you got started with your coach?  What triggered your initiation with flexible dieting? “I started flexible dieting because I wanted to improve my athletic performance and lose some weight.  I was unsure of how much I needed to be eating of certain foods (such as protein) and also wanted accountability”.
  • What did you learn most about your time of flexible dieting with your coach? “I feel that I learned moderation and what macros my body needs in order to perform at its best.  Also, lasting changes aren’t going to happen overnight.  Progress was slow, but consistent”.
  • What would you have wanted to learn more of when going through the flexible dieting process with your coach?  “The only thing I would want to learn more about is how my initial macros were calculated.  For basic knowledge as well as for replicating in the future”.
  • Please list and elaborate some positives and negatives about your time during flexible dieting with your coach.   “Positives- Flexibility!  If I wanted some pizza or wine, I could have them!  In moderation of course.  Negatives – It was a lot of work at the beginning, but then I got into the routine of it.  Also, going out of town and staying at other people’s homes was hard, but I just had to estimate”.
  • Would you recommend your coach to someone else?  If so, why?  “Yes!  I would definitely recommend coach Amy!  She was very supportive, encouraging, and understands that things come up in life in which we need flexibility”!

L Column Initial (1.25.16): 128.2#                   R Column Week 14 (5.2.16): 124.5#

This is Elise M. – Elise and I have known each other since college and were teammates on the West Virginia Wesleyan College basketball team from 2005-2009.  Elise is a very strong and smart worker both in and out of the CrossFit box!  She is also a physical therapist, like myself, near the Lewisburg, WV area!  As her lifestyle tends to be slammed with treating a variety of patients on a daily basis, Elise STILL manages to focus her priorities towards training (sometimes as early as 4:00am sessions) and proper nutritional intake after joining Team BullsEye Nutrition!  After being reunited this past January 2016 at the Team SuperFit Games Charlotte, Elise has proven to herself and others that nutrition is a KEY proponent to maintaining a healthy lifestyle!  You can find Elise competing in local and non-local CrossFit competitions, mostly in the Rx divisions due to her strong stature and confidence in getting better at life each day!  Thanks for joining #teambullseyenutrition, Elise!

  • Please provide a small description of your flexible dieting process and how you got started with your coach?  What triggered your initiation with flexible dieting?  “I decided to begin flexible dieting because I really wanted to find a “diet” that I could stick to and that was not so strict.  I had tried the Paleo Diet in the past and although I was able to stick with it for a short period of time (~4 weeks) I wanted to find something that I could be successful at for much longer.  Once I reunited with Amy, after several years, and found out she was a nutrition coach I took a look at her website, saw some of the testimonials and decided to give it a try”.
  • What did you learn most about your time of flexible dieting with your coach?  “I really learned a lot about what is actually in my food and checking labels.  I also learned that it is okay to eat treats – just have to plan for it”.
  • What would you have wanted to learn more of when going through the flexible dieting process with your coach?  “I would have liked some more recipes or maybe an example of a weekly meal plan for someone around the same macros as me.   I tend to do better with structure”.
  • Please list and elaborate some positives and negatives about your time during flexible dieting with your coach.  Positives: I have leaned out quite a bit and feel great!  People around me have even noticed the difference.  It has also made me more conscious about the food choices I make on a daily basis, especially when going out to eat.  Negatives: It took me a while to realize that although I tried to hit my daily numbers I am not perfect and to not beat myself about it.  There were also times when I was “hangry”, but that was mostly when my carbs were lower and I didn’t plan out my meals very well”.
  • Would you recommend your coach to someone else?  If so, why?  “I would most definitely recommend Amy to someone else and already have!  I love the weekly feedback and newsletters as well”!

Meet Jackie S.  Jackie was a client of mine for three (3) months and met all of her goals which included losing 10-15 pounds, fat loss, gaining muscle, and increasing her work capacity performance/strength through CrossFit training.  Jackie began her journey at 152# (top row of photos) and ended at 142# (bottom row of photos), in which she was extremely hard-working and dedicated to trusting the FD process!  I am very thankful to have Jackie as one of my first clients – thanks for jumping on the train!  Jackie is training for the upcoming SuperFit CrossFit competition this January 2016 in the Steele Creek area of South Charlotte – be sure to follow her success!  See what Jackie has to say about her experience with #teambullseyenutrition!

Top Row = Initial / Bottom Row = Month 3
  • Please provide a small description of your flexible dieting process and how you got started with your coach?  What triggered your initiation with flexible dieting?  “I did 12 weeks with Amy.  I had seen Amy’s results from using flexible dieting and looked into doing it myself.  I was overwhelmed on all the information out there on flexible dieting and needed someone with experience to help me dial down to what I need and the results that I was after.  I heard Amy was starting to coach and thought it was perfect that it was someone I knew and would be comfortable asking help from”.
  • What did you learn most about your time of flexible dieting with your coach?  “I have learned that flexible dieting is actually really flexible!  I learned that I could still eat and enjoy my favorite foods in moderation and with balance.  I also learned that slow and steady wins the race”!
  • Please list and elaborate some positives and negatives about your time during flexible dieting with your coach.  “I had a lot of positive moments with Amy.  I received constant praise even when I didn’t feel like I deserved it.   Amy always found a way to compliment me.  She told me when I wasn’t making my goals and what I needed to do to fix it.  She also listened to me when I told her how I was feeling and would adjust my macros if needed.   Amy would also always email me back in a timely manner.  I loved her weekly macro mail on different topics that could help with my flexible dieting”.
  • Would you recommend your coach to someone else?  If so, why?  “Yes I would recommend because of the commitment and encouragement that I received from Amy”!

Meet Andrew R.  Andrew was my first FD client and actually gave me that extra push to start my journey as a FD coach!  He has been such a tremendous athlete, friend, and client who is also quite the cook!  Andrew completed 16 weeks with me and has exceeded his personal goals including losing some of that stubborn mid-section belly fat, rowing a sub-3:00 1000m, improving his fitness within the CrossFit community, and obtaining the education of how to properly fuel his body!  His starting body weight (left column photos) was 211# and his ending body weight (right column photos) was 197#.  You will catch Andrew at the CrossFit Pineville box pretty much every day, either perfecting his rowing technique or, more recently, working on his first muscle up progressions!  Check out what Andrew has to say about his time spent with me during his FD process!  Thanks for being a part of the #teambullseyenutrition, Andrew!

L Column = Initial / R Column = Week 16
  • Please provide a small description of your flexible dieting process and how you got started with your coach?  What triggered your initiation with flexible dieting?  Flexible Dieting was all but a foreign concept to me before I began this journey.  As a matter of fact, the only “dieting” I truly understood was counting calories.  I had no real grasp on the importance of balancing the protein, carb and fat makeup (MACROS) of those calories into a simple meal plan targeting my goals.  After discussing my true desires from my new fitness program, my coach and I set some realistic caloric intake parameters.  Over a period of 5 months, we gradually moved the MACROs in accordance with my exercise and MACRO intake success.  After only 6 months, I had reached my goal of losing the 35lbs of fat and 4” on my waist line.  More impressive than the change in my physical appearance was the change in my sleep.  I am sleeping better than ever, have no back aches, and my overall strength is higher now than my college baseball days 20 years ago”.
  • What did you learn most about your time of flexible dieting with your coach?  The most interesting knowledge I have garnered from this ongoing experience is that with the proper MACRO setup I could eat almost anything I desired, at any time that I desired,  and still stayed on track.  Yes, sometimes those Cheetos stayed in my flexible diet plan, of course they were in a much smaller quantity and were in place of another fat-rich food like cheese or nuts, but, if I desired them, I ate them”.
  • Please list and elaborate some positives and negatives about your time during flexible dieting with your coach.  “Positives:  Visible results, quick results, no depriving of “certain foods”, never felt hungry, high energy, better sleep.  Negatives:  I fell short a lot on my MACRO count because I didn’t really know how to balance the day/time/meals… I figured it out but my fear is someone who is not as dedicated, not as intelligent, or is just plain lazy will simply stop for fear of being wrong.  They may not want to do their own “research” as some may feel that that’s what they are paying you for”.
  • Would you recommend your coach to someone else?  If so, why?  I would and I have repeatedly recommended Coach Amy to others.  As I have discovered, working out is excellent, but it will not show its true potential until you are feeding your body the correct nutritional balance”.

Meet Brittany D.  Brittany has been one of my most loyal client’s who has kept herself on point every single week!  She has been improving on her overall fitness inside CrossFit Pineville as well as managing a super busy life as a part-time student, serving as a children’s ministry director of her church, and not to mention working as a pre-school educator too!   Despite her busy life, Brittany has proven that one can STILL TAKE CONTROL of his or own health as long as it remains a priority!  She has also competed in the 2016 CrossFit Open Games of which she successfully completed this past Easter weekend, surpassing her expectations from last year’s Open Games!  Way to go Brittany – so grateful that you are a part of #teambullseyenutrition!  See what Brittany has to say about her ongoing process with flexible dieting, what she has learned, and also committing to instilling her trust in me as her coach to start her reverse dieting journey!  Keep up the good work Brittany!

Top Row: Initial photos Bottom Row: FD Week 16
Top Row: Initial photos (184#) / Bottom Row: FD Week 16 (177#)
  • Please provide a small description of your flexible dieting process and how you got started with your coach?  What triggered your initiation with flexible dieting?  Before starting flexible dieting I think I was in a boat that many people will find familiar. I was so fed up with feeling terrible about myself. I hated the way I was feeling about my body, my performance in the gym and as a woman, how my clothing was fitting. I have tried several things from Weight Watchers to Paleo and even Isagenix. All of these things I’m sure are great for their purpose, but they simply didn’t end up working for me long term. After several months it was too hard to keep up with. I sought out one of my coaches at my CrossFit box, which just so happened to be Coach Amy! She walked me through a process that I had heard about recently called flexible dieting. I was so eager to find something that would work that I was on board before we finished our conversation! I was so surprised how easy it was to take the foods I was eating and plug them in to get a total macro count for the day”.
  • What did you learn most about your time of flexible dieting with your coach?  At first it was a learning curve. I was used to other systems that made me lose quickly, but with flexible dieting my changes came much slower. I learned that any change in my body was better when happening at a slow and controlled pace. I’ve learned more about balancing my diet than I ever have with any other process”.
  • Please list and elaborate some positives and negatives about your time during flexible dieting with your coach.  “There were many positives about this process including the sheer simplicity of it, the convenience and my performance in the gym got much better pretty quickly. The only negative, which as I said before isn’t really a negative, is that I didn’t lose on the scale as quickly as I wanted to. However, I did still lose and my overall body shape changed! It can also be a bit of a learning curve if you have tried any other diets or nutritional processes”.
  • Would you recommend your coach to someone else?  If so, why?  Absolutely! Amy is so down to earth and really does care about your progress. I feel like I was able to really open up to her about what I was feeling every step of the way and she had so much encouragement and positive feedback. Never once did I feel like she didn’t believe in me and was always so encouraged after reading her emails.  I am planning on continuing this process and am eager to learn more about food nutrition itself. I am excited about finding out how foods will give me the desired results in the gym and my overall performance that I want”!

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